Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One World One Heart 2010 Giveaway


LATE LATE LATE NOTE!!:  I've just posted some 'teaser' pics of my OWOH giveaway, so if you want to have a little peek, try here!
LATE LATE NOTE!:  Don't panic if you see 'Comment Deleted' messages in the comments.  I've just deleted some double posts, as there were some people who had trouble with the verification codes and ended up commenting twice.  I thought it would be fairer to all if everyone had a single chance to win!
LATE NOTE:  It occurred to me today that those of you who have popped over here via the OWOH link on 'A Whimsical Bohemian' will only see this post, and of course, have absolutely no idea what it is that I do! So to save you having to poke around the attic and try and find some examples of my work which of course are buried under piles of books, bits of interesting fabric, old furniture that I inherited from my grandmothers, and all the other usual things you find in an attic, I thought I'd add a little sampler of some of my work, so you get an idea of what my giveaway MIGHT look like.  And if you'd like to see more, here is my website!
Well, I JUST found out about this fantastic blogging giveaway, starting 25th January (which may be today for some of you, but is yesterday for me!) and it seems like such a brilliant idea I had to get involved.  For more detailed information about 'One World One Heart', and for links to all the other bloggers offering OWOH giveaways, click on the link in the sidebar and it will take you to Lisa's (the founder) website.  But essentially, it's about creating links between bloggers, meeting new people all over the world, and discovering all the things we have in common, instead of worrying about the things we don't.  And how does it work?  Well, I'm offering a giveaway, something special I've created, and I will choose a winner randomly from the people who leave a comment on THIS post, saying they'd like to be involved.  Most important to remember, you need to have a blog to be in the draw, and a way I can get back to you if you've won (a contact email through your blog for example).  Now, because I've only just discovered OWOH, I can't post a picture of my giveaway, for the perfectly logical reason that I haven't created it yet!  But, if you have a look back through my blog posts, you'll get a feel for the kind of stuff I do/make, and I'm hoping you'll be intrigued enough to sign up anyway, and think of it as a mystery gift, a delicious parcel that arrives in the mail from exotic parts (unless of course you happen to live in Perth!) and covered in intriguing stamps, mysteriously addressed to you...but you have NO idea what treasures might be inside, waiting to be discovered.  There now, does that whet your interest?  I hope so...so please leave a comment and let me know.

And if you're new here, please consider checking out my 'Painting for Haiti' post...it's a lovely way to help out those in need, and you get to keep a beautiful original painting as well!

Oops, forgot to mention, you need to comment before February 15th, as winner will be announced then!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 248   Newer›   Newest»
Jodaeodesign said...

Your work is amazing, I would be honored to own one of your creations, please include me in your drawing

Marie said...

Beautiful work! Thank you for the opportunity to win in your giveaway! Please stop by and sign up for mine, I am #387 on the carpet ride!

Marie said...

Please include me in your secret, magical giveaway! If you get a chance please pop over tosay hello!
Marie xx

Tristan Robin said...

I love a mystery!

You're a regular renaissance woman! Love your painting for Haiti - and that Tree of Life quiltlet piece is just delightful.

Thanks for entering me in your drawing - and please visit my blog to enter mine!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥

The Whimsical Goblin said...

Love a Mystery :)

emailthegoblin at gmail dot com

SharDon Exclusives said...

Please enter my name. I love surprises but I am headed over to your posts now to see what you have been up to.
please stop in (#52) to enter my beaded bracelet giveaway at"

bockel24 said...

I´ve just been to your etsy shop and think you´re very talented - please enter my name in your drawing!

MLBetterly said...

Loved looking through your blog! You're very talented!

Mendy said...

your work is amazing and I absolutely love the mystery giveaway and your blog music!! thank you so much for the chance!! hugs, Mendy

Jingle said...

I am so glad you found us and jumped into the party!!! Your blog is lovely and it appears that a mystery from your hands would be quite a gift, indeed!

Joanna Rowan said...

I would love to be entered to win your magical secret giveaway! I have enjoyed my visit to your wonderful blog too!
With love,
Joanna #507

Unknown said...

How fun - a surprise! Please visit my blog too.

MaryAnn said...

Your work is marvelous! I am sure whatever you offer will be great! Please come by my blog and leave a comment if you would like for the OWOH tour.

Raven Moon Magic said...

I am so happy i have found you, you creations are beautiful, and its even more exciting to win a mystery. my babys grandma lives in broome so i feel an even bigger magnet to you knowing your around there. please enter me for your treasure and i will be following everything your doing.
your new blog friend
raven moon magic

i adore the haiti painting xxx
you have such a big heart to do this.
God i love your stuff!!! hehe

Krissy said...

Oh how I love surprises!

woodland_faerie said...

i hope i win we gots alot in common mermaid love faerie

Linda said...

who doesn't love surprises.Linda:) Please enter my name into the Hat, and if you have time please visit us at..

risa said...

Love a mystery giveaway! Count me in!

I am new to OWOH this year...but enjoying it already! Great way to find new blogs to follow! Hope you stop by my blog as well!

my blog: http://www.createdbyrisa.com
email: createdbyrisa@gmail.com

Erika said...

Your shop is incredible--you are very talented!

Maron said...

count me in and stop by #220 for a visit

michelleK said...

Oh! I happen to live in perth but still count me in. Your art is beautiful :D . Steamy hot here. Bet it is for you too! Happy one world one heart from south of perth :D


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Count me in, I'm taking part too ... :0)

Femmy said...

i love surprises so please count me in!

greenest mermaid said...

Hi Fellow Mermaid!!
What an awesome idea!!!
I think I might participate too...hmmm....hmmmmm....

but I'd love a chance to win one of your paintings! I love you style :)

Nicks said...

You have a beautiful blog and I know whatever you create will ne beautiful.
Have a beautiful day, and please hop over to my blog for a another beauty giveaway
Be happy x

Titbelsoeur, mixed-media addict said...

Love surprises !!! please count me in !!!
I'd be glad you come visit me at my blog and participate in my own giveaway !
OWOH #240. http://titbelsoeur.blogspot.com/

FiberArtisttoo said...

I like your style and would love to own a piece of your art. Please add me to your giveaway. I am blog # 651 if you have a chance to look.

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

Lovely work and I adore surprises! Please enter me and stop by my blog also-I'm #202

Tammie Lee said...

Your art is lovely and whimsical~
I would love to be in the draw. Thank you for visiting me #66!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in! Thanks :)

Nikkormat said...

The name of your blog drew me here. I love beautiful mermaids and the name has such an intriguing visual. Please enter me and thank you!!

JaneT said...

I love the colors you use and would be delighted to win something you have created.

Mademoiselle Julie said...

Great banner! I love to see what you end up giving away! Cheers, Julie

mitz said...

ohhhh -- the mystery of it all..
how intriguing.. thanks for the
opportunity.. t c

sassypackrat said...

I love surprises and you art is beautiful so I know I'd love anything that you'd make!

SheilaC said...

Your work is beautiful!
Can't wait to see what you design.

Thank you for the opportunity to enter.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway and I would be delighted to receive a lovely surprise

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I love surprises so please include me!

I am participating for the first time, so drop by my blog to enter my giveaway, too!

Debby said...

I love surprises, but your work looks amazing. I would love to be enter in your giveaway.

danit said...

I would love receiving your art, I like surprises.

Elizabeth said...

please add me to your giveaway - I would love a mystery package. :D Your work is beautiful

Sara said...

I really like surprises!!!!

Very nice giveaway...please enter me...

I'm #16 on the list - do drop by.

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

silvia said...

I'd love to be entered in your giveaway :)

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Love surprises.

Thank you for the chance to win.
Hope you are having a wonderful day.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Shai Williams said...

Oh I love a good surprise! Please enter me in your drawing.


Yvonne said...

Please enter me in your draw! Also pop over to my blog, have a browse around and enter my give away. I’m number 303 on the magic carpet :)

Deann LMFT said...

Your work is beautiful- so I am sure your surprise will be too!

carylsrealm said...

Your work is wonderful, would love to be included!

ByLightOfMoon said...

I adore mermaids and your art is enchanting! Your Haiti drawing is extra special!
My magic carpet ride ticket is #708at One World, One Heart ByLightOfMoon blog!

Smiles, Cyndi

Jasmine said...

Your work is beautiful. I really love the centre illustration of the girl with the oak leaves. I have a feeling I would be delighted to win anything you are offering and the surprise element makes it excitig.

Thank you for the chance to win, and also finding your blog. I have become a follower xJ


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love surprises and I love mysteries. I'm sure I will love anything you make.

I'm #79 on the magic carpet journey.

FlightFancy said...

your art style is beautiful! and a mystery prize?, Be still my heart :) Pease add my name in the mix! Thanks, Theresa #421

Wildflowerhouse said...

You are one talented lady and I gaurantee your work wouldn't be in the attic under a bunch of stuff. Oh no it wouldn't. I hope I win, but in the meantime I shall be visiting your website.

Amy (ArtsyBookishGal) said...

Beautiful creation! Wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway!


OWOH #680/681

Jood said...

Your paintings are so involved. Great gift! Thank you for sharing it. Jood

Lorri said...

I love your paintings. Please include me in your draw and visit me if you get a chance (#671)

Oh btw, my word verification was BLESS :))

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I know it will be wonderful! You are an amazing artist! Please enter my name and visit me soon, too! ♥

Debrina said...

Oh no! I just wrote this huge reply to the comment you left me on my blog over at Debrina's Diary! Arrrggghh. Ok, I haven't got time to write it all out again but the gist of it was this: mermaids, selkies, swans, Celtic mythology and The Secret of Roan Inish!OMG! Are we of a similar vein or what! I love you already! This blog is just simply stunning, along with your artwork and your writing! Yay! So glad to have found you!!! I'm a follower now and I've just this moment put you up on my side panel under Blogs I Love!

*jean* said...

oo i love a good mystery!! especially if it came from grandmother's furniture in the attic!!
please count me in!!
jeanzosss (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Count me in please,I love surprises.I dont have a giveaway this year but do stop by my blog!~~Becky

Nanbon44 said...

I just love a surprise, please enter my name in the drawing #649

AlwaysInspired said...

Your art is lovely! Please enter me to win a piece of it!
Come and fly on my magic carpet ride too!

Jennifer R.D. said...

What a cool blog and amazing art! This would be a special prize to win! Please stop by mine as well # 585

Unknown said...

I love your giveaway of art and your blog, they are both very beautiful! Please take a moment to "ride the carpet with me" ticket number 194- Dragonfly Design Studios.

Sprite said...

Your work is amazing. I'm so glad this event has introduced me to it, I'd be honored and soo happy to own something created by you! Thank you for the chance...

Please stop by my blog when you have a time, I'm participating too :) VERY nice to meet you!


OWOH # 266

FairlyGirly said...

I love surprises, thanks for the chance to win. Pop over to my blog and enter mine.

Anonymous said...

Love your examples of your work. I did have to go poke around though. I enjoyed the pieces on boundaries. I must admit I have a fascination with boundaries to but never thought to do any artwork involving boundaries. You've given me something to think about. Anyway, please enter my name. I know I will be back!

Anonymous said...

Love a mystery! Thanks for the chance! Tracy tcornell123@comcast.net TX, USA Visit my giveaway too: #783!

Ruthie Redden said...

hello treasure, sorry i haven't popped by in a while, where do those hours tick away too. I should love to be included x x x Even more exciting is the mystery of it all. Hows your weather now?? We had more snow today!!

April said...

Lovely, lovely art! Your blog title immediately drew me in as I'm a bit obsessed with mermaids!

Carapace said...

I love that it's a surprise! Your work is wonderful, and I can't wait to see what New Thing you create! Glad you joined the Ride!
OWOH Ticket Holder #21

Gourdqueen said...

I so love your work! I am now a follower and will back for more visits!
Please stop by my blog.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win a treasure. tricklestogether@hotmail.com

Tamara Dozier said...

What a wonderful giveaway you're offering! I'd love to enter and you can enter on my blog as well. #227 on the magic carpet.

Rella said...

Ohhhhhhh there is nothing more fun than a mystery! Do enter me in your drawing and thank you for opportunity to win such a lovely, lovely offering. Please add my name to the proverbial hat and do come by Faerielune #232 and enter to win one of my original pieces and a few extra goodies.

xox Rella

Anonymous said...

loving mysteries and love the style of ur work..may i stay around for a while?

Bonnie Jones said...

I just returned from your Etsy Shop and added you to my favorites. I would certainly love to own anythng you decided to create!!!
Your work is wonderful.
Bonnie Jones

h. mcnaron said...

great blog and prodcuts! nice to see them. thank.

Anonymous said...

hello there! your blog and artwork are fantastic - please enter me into the giveaway
feel free to fly on over to my blog here and i hope you enjoy your magic carpet ride :)

E.J. Stevens said...

Ooooh, I would love a chance to win!


DVArtist said...

Hello, I really enjoy your blog. Your giveaway is beautiful. Please count me in.

#350 on the magic carpte ride

Heather Robinson said...

A surprise from you! I'm in! Just love what you create and feel excited even thinking about the chance of winning a piece of your artwork.

Sue said...

I REALLY like your work, so I'm sure that I would love the piece you are offering if I was lucky enough to win! Please include me!


#162 on OWOH

Cherry Pie said...

Your artwork is wonderful! I'd be happy to get anything from you!
I'm also hearting your etsy store :-)

Please come see my blog and giveaways too. #757

Marina at CherryPieArtStamps.com

Holly said...

Hi from Minnesota.
Your work is amazing! It would be awesome to win a piece of your art! Thank you so much for the chance! (I'm #811)

pinkglitterfae said...

this sounds so exciting, I love surprises! you do such fantastic work, I would be thrilled to win something by you! thanks so much for adding my name to your draw

I am # 650 if you get the chance to visit...

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

Well, I love surprises and I love what I see of your work so please toss my name into your proverbial hat. I want to go check out your Haiti painting now and thank you for offering an exciting and mysterious give away :)

Shirley Cook - Jumping Jack Glass said...

Your work is fabulous! It would be such a treat to win your mystery prize. Looking at the work on your blog I just know I'd be thrilled. Thank you for including my name in your drawing!

Flipsi said...

Oh wow, it's a wonderful giveaway. Please count me in. Thanks.

Sharon's Cottage Quilts said...

Dearest Mermaid, your artwork is just Magical! What incredibly beautiful work!! I love it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am so happy to have found you!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

how exciting to think of receiving a surprise in the mail, made by such a talented mermaid! thank you for the chance to win!

Knerten said...

Your work is amazing ! please count me in, and do visit my blog as well ! OWOH no451

Mette said...

I love the painting of the girl with the ship in her hair.

Please add my name to your draw :)

Lorrie Grainger Abdo said...

Surprise me with some of your brightest colors. :) I'll be back... Lorrie

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Dear Chris, thank you so much for visiting with me (#263)! It's a pleasure to meet you. Your artwork is lovely! What a great surprise awaits one of us! Hope our paths cross again soon.
Sincerely, Theresa

Astrid Maclean said...

I adore surprises!! What a great give away, I would love to win, please count me in.
If you have time and have not yet done so, please come and visit mine also #154
Greetings from bonny Scotland and enjoy the ride! I'm guessing you are Perth in Australia???

Anonymous said...

I am indeed intrigued by what I see here...off to see your Painting for Haiti.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Beautiful artwork! I would love to be the winner! Please include me and come on over and enter my giveaway too!

(#185 A Vintage Cottage Home)

LivArtNow said...

Hi :)

I just love the wonderful opportunity to travel the world on a magic carpet and visit so many wonderful people :)

Love your work, it's awesome, and I would love a chance to win at your wonderful giveaway :)If you haven't already, then please stop by my blog, there's a giveaway there too, and I'd love it if you'd enter !!

Hugs and thanks,
Linda from Norway

Lois0607 said...

Hi - thanks for visiting my blog. I love your work and would love to win something. Thanks for the chance

martha brown said...

Your work is beautiful -- and I love the name of your blog! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you!
~martha (#180)

Yvonne said...

You do great work and a mystery is always fun! I'm #736.

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Mermaid, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the surprise. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.


Michelle Frae Cummings said...

beautiful work!
Thanks for a chance to win!
#877 OWOH

Donna said...

Nice to meet you and visit your blog! Love this giveaway! I am having so much fun looking at all the wonderful blogs. I don't have a blog, due to arthritis I cannot type much at all but I enjoy surfing the net. Thank you for a chance to win.

Linda said...

Greetings from California! Surprises are fun and looking at some of your work, I am sure it will be awesome!! Thank you for the chance to win!

Hope you get a chance to drop by my place .

Take care,


Rabenfrau said...

Your sampler surely looks promising! So please count me in! And don't hesitate to hop over to my blog
rabenfrau.blogspot.com to see my OWOH!
Regards from Germany

Carole Burant said...

Oh yes, please enter me in your lovely giveaway, I would so love to win one of your beautiful creations, I loved looking at your sampler!! If you haven't already, make sure you come by and enter mine as well, I'm #116. Thank you:-) xox

Sam said...

A quick rummage around your blog is enough for me to add you to my feedreader and to enter your OWOH giveaway - I wonder what you'll come up with!!!?

Pat Haight said...

Your art is gorgeous!! Please count me in!
And thanks for stopping by Wigglebutt. ☺

Sue Young said...

You do amazing work!!!thanks for the chance to win a piece of it!Sue

Julie said...

I'm game! Chris, your work is fantastic...it'll be fun to see what you come up w/ for the giveaway!!!

Thank you for stopping by my blog to enter to wind one of my OWOH art-glass heart pendants! Good luck!!

Enjoy the ride!

Julie (OWOH #155)

Brianna said...

This is a brilliant idea for a giveaway! Please enter me into the drawing! :]




Please add my name to the hat :o)

Deirdra Doan said...

I so admire your illustrations...I am illustrating a book I wrote...it doesn't come naturally to me...but I can see it just flows out of your heart and it makes me happy! Thank you for your comment on my ocean doll. oxox

Wanda Maria said...

Hello and greetings from NW Arkansas! What a terrific giveaway!!! Please enter me into your drawing and be sure to stop by my blog for a chance to win, too. #56

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway, I love surprises! Please enter me in it.
Thank you and have a lovely day!

marilavado (at) gmail.com

mycuriousteaparty said...

Hello from Wivenhoe, Essex, UK

Thank you for visiting earlier, I would love to be put into a hat with a suprise in it.


Doda said...

You are very talented. I look forward to seeing what you create for the prize!

HeARTworks said...

Hello from the Philippines! What magic your hands have! I would be thrilled to win it- patsy.paterno at gmail.com If you haven't yet, do drop by my blog for a chance to win something too! http://patsypat.blogspot.com

Flor Larios Art said...

Thank you for inviting me and for entering my giveaway!
Good luck to both of us!

Malisa said...

What a wonderful blog! Please sign me up for your marvelous drawing (I love surprises!) and then come visit me...I am participating in OWOH too...number 333 on the Magic Carpet! I am off to read more on your blog and I am looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt whatever you create for the prize will be as magnificent as all your other work, please do count me in.
And thanks so much for visiting my blog, love your work and am delighted to have found you!

Gina said...

Well, I love what you've shown so I'm sure it will be even better! Go to my blog, if you like, at #753, and see some tatted lace.

Alice Stroppel said...

With not even seeing it I know I'll love it. I love faces and you seem to do some fabulous ones. So...please enter my name.
stop by my blog to sign up to win my crazy girl bracelet. ticket holder #807


Everyday Kathy said...

I'd love to win!
Thanks for an enchanting stop on the magic carpet!
Outrageous joy,
Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
#111 on the blog tour

Antonella said...

Wow! I just have to say that your work is incredible. Please throw in carpet #234 for a chance to win and please take a moment to stop by my giveaway.
Hugs, antonella :-)

Beverley Baird said...

This will be a great giveaway - your artwork is lovely!
Please include me in your draw.

Kim Mailhot said...

Your art is fantastic ! Thanks for the chance to win a piece of my very own from a lad far away.
Enjoy the OWOH lovefest ! Cheers !

Flora said...

Please add me too!!!

Laume said...

I'd love a chance at winning your surprise! But more importantly, I'm thrilled to find a blog I'll return and visit again. I don't have a OWOH post up yet (knock on wood, I'm still hoping to!) but I hope you'll stop by and visit me as well. Faeries and other lovely silliness, seems like we're kindred spirits.

Marie S said...

Gorgeous artwork, please count me in.
When you get some time, fly by my blog on your magic carpet, I am OWOH #907.
Thank you for participating in OWOH.
It is very very nice to meet you.

Deborah said...

Whatever you do decide to do will be wonderful. Your artwork is beautiful.
Please add me to your giveaway.

Ellen said...

your work is so vibrant , i'd love to own one

please count me in ; my magic carpet number
is #397

Sadie said...

Oh wow! Please count me in :-)
Sadie x
OWOH #962

Rusted Wings said...

lovely offering! beautiful art!
drop by my blog #774!

Ann said...

Well of course I love a mystery but I also like poking about in attics.... so please put my name in your hat. Great blog! Greetings from Wales.

Unknown said...

Your work is absolutely amazing! I would be absolutely thrilled to own one of your pieces:) Hugs Rowena

Vikki said...

You have amazing art work. Please enter me in your draw :)


Tamara C said...

Anything you made would absolutely be worth winning! Please do enter me and thank you for your generous heart! Hugs, Tamara in California, USA. :)

Paperfanatic said...

I would love to be entered for a surprise package. I live in Ireland, so it would have to wing its way to the other side of the world.

spindelmaker said...

Hi Christina! I like your style, and those teasers you posted on this post are adorable. Thanks for visiting my blog, and for your kind compliment. Have a nice day!

Paula said...

Your artwork is beautiful and the winner will be lucky indeed. Thanks for visiting my blog (OWOH #799).

Dschrader said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Janice said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter my name, thank you.

Cindy said...

Your work is fantastic and I would love to win your giveaway.

angelandspot said...

Your work is beautiful!

Kathy said...

Love....love....love your work, beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a beautiful offering.

Happy travels.

Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at http://calkatthejewelryjunkie.blogspot.com. #475

Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV

Stace said...

Love your artwork! Please add me to your drawing, while I go add you to my feed reader...

Misti Ko said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I LOVE your illustrations, and the pics of your house made me smile too. An Aussie friend of mine gave me a birthday present yesterday that she says she got from a "bush fair" when she was home over Christmas. I joked about Nicole Kidman's character from Australia sitting in her cattle station making crafts - well your photos just brought that whole feeling right back!

MoonWillow Art Studio said...

Hi there! Nice to meet you :) Soooo pretty! Beautiful work! Please enter me in your lovely giveaway. Come visit my blog when you get a chance for my giveaway too.

Karmen OWOH #464

Anonymous said...

Your work is just beautiful. I would love to receive a suprise like this. Please enter me in your drawing and feel free to enter mine. I'm so glad to have found your blog through OWOH.

Kathy L said...

I did some poking around your blog and looked at your work. WOnderful. I like your style very much. Please enter me!

Betty Boogie said...

OOOO a mysterious box shipped from sunny summertime in Perth to me. How fun that would be! :-) I hope you get to check my blog, I am #1029

Eugen Caitaz said...

Hi dear!!! I like your idea! It’s very Awesome! I wish to ALL who will participate in this wondefull give-away, Big Good Luck! Yohooooo! ;)

Ria said...

Wow! Such amazing art you have here!
Please count me in! And do pop in my home to see what I put on my magic carpet!*wink
I am no.950

Have a safe ride....it's quite far! :)

Micki said...

You are very talented, so please do enter me!

Bonnie said...

Beautiful work, please include me in for whatever your creativity makes.

Hege-Annie Simonsen said...

Great samples of your work - beautiful art is what you create! I would love to win something from your hands, just like the rest of the entrants!

I'm OWOH participant #214 - you're welcome to stop by me, if you get the time!! :) Greetings from Norway.

Peggy said...

Charming and a beautiful blog with a stunning treasure! I love surprises!!
My first year with OWOH and I love visiting all the amazing blogs! I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
I am blog #937


VintageCrafter said...

Wow! Amazing and creative work you do! Please count me in!

s hyler said...

I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing.

Dorene Elizabeth said...

I love your artwork! Please count me in!

manda said...

Heloo from QLD!! What a great giveaway! I simply love the golden orange gum leaf! Count me in for a surprise picture though! Hope you're enjoying the magic carpet ride so far!


Susan said...

Oh JOY,joy!! I love surprises :)
I am also now a follower.

your sampler, and the painting for Haiti are BEAUTIFUL!

Be well and Be warm :)

I am NEW to blogging (http://piecesoffatesusan.blogspot.com/) but not to art. Please allow me to be in your drawing. Thanks:)

Greetings from the New Jersey Shore, USA

Jane said...

Greetings from British Columbia. Enjoyed visiting your blog. Come and visit #593

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Wow, what a stunning giveaway!! Your artwork is awesome, would love a mystery surprise from you!!Off to have another look at your fabby blog!
You are welcome to visit my Blog and enter my giveaway. #1041
Jan x

ozlynda said...

Hello from Victoria, Australia
Your art is delightful and I would love to win something by you.
Please enter me into the draw.
Thanks. Lynda.

If you make the best ever panforte do you know where i can get a good recipe?
Mine never work out:o(

Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

You are very talented. Thank you for sharing with all of us. I would love to be entered (and picked) in your drawing. Come by mine at #99 if you haven't had a chance. Thanks!

Kristal said...

Ah, suspense! From looking at your artwork, I'm sure it is amazing!

Be sure to stop by my blog, Grace Goods, Ticket Holder #1018, for my OWOH giveaway!
Happy Monday!

BunnyKissd said...

I love your work! ^-^ Please enter me and feel free to hop over to my blog and enter mine too, if you haven't already!

crystal said...

I have been enjoying your blog and think that your art is lovely!!
I am looking forward to visiting again;)


Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Love your artwork. It is beautiful. Your giveaway is terrific! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing! Thanks for participating in the OWOH event.

visionquest2020 (at) msn (dot) com

artbeckons said...

your work is lovely so i'm sure it will be a great giveaway - thanks for playing along! if you have time, stop by my giveaway too =)

OWOH #866

Just Jenn Designz said...

Greetings from Virginia.

Oh wow... what beautiful work you do! And what a wonderful blog you have too! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.

Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.

Gracie "Neky White" said...

Your art is really wonderful! please count me in. Come to enter my giveaway if you haven't already (i'm #481) =D

Let's continue the ride on the magic carpet!

Elsina said...

Love your art! Thank you for the chance!

Lisa said...

Your work is beautiful, and I would love to be included. I hope you'll stop by the mountain mermaid: mtnmermaid.wordpress.com, too. Cheers from Colorado - Lisa

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

I Love, LOVE, LOOOOVVVVEEE your work! I would love an exotic parcel from you! Thank you for riding the carpet caravan! Be sure to visit me at #833!

Electra said...

You have a lovely attic!!
Thank you for including me in your draw! If you have time, please visit me here

CreativSpirit said...

Your blog is fabulous, and so with that in mind, I would love to be surprised with your Lucky Door Prize for your visitors. Please enter me in the draw, I have come all the way from (Exotic :) parts of New South Wales to be here. Please come by #70, have a look around and enter into my draw. Great meeting you.


nfmgirl said...

Quite beautiful! Please count me in. Thanks so much!


#273 on the Magic Carpet tour (southwest Florida, USA)

Jax said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. Jax

robin westenhiser said...

Awesome work! Thanks from Tucson, robin

Unknown said...

It's nice to meet you! Thank you for a chance to win one of your wonderful creations! I can't wait to see what you have created. Don't forget to visit all 3 of my blogs as I am giving away something at all of them!
giddygreetings at yahoo dot com

CathyH said...

Hey there! Your art is incredibly beautiful! So happy to find you during this trip. I'm coming back here so see ya soon :)
With lots of best wishes from TN #1035

Connie said...

Your work looks amazing! Please count me in on your giveaway!

I'm #818 Studio 64-Chicago on the magic carpet. If you haven’t already done so, please stop by for a chance at my giveaway too.

Hope to see you there!

mrscmc7 at gmail dot com

PinkPug,INK. said...

Love your artwork! & the teaser pics look like a sketchbook! :) Please stop by & enter my giveaway too!

Leslie said...

Your work is wonderful and who doesn't like a surprise?!


pippirose said...

Your artwork is just amazing!
I'd love the chance to enter.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

EvalinaMaria said...

Hello from the north of 60°! Are you enjoying ride on the Magic Carpet through the Blogland? I do! Please enter my name in your draw.

Dragonfly said...

The teaser pics were positively... Well, taunting. It looks like it's going to be a doozy, though! I'm excited to see what you're creating, even if I don't win. (Though, of course, I'd rather win. Ha!)

Ayala Art said...

Me, me meee! Please count me in, and visit mine as well. Greetings from California!

Stanza Rae said...

Thank you for participating in OWOH. And for your giveaway.

I actually have 2 giveaways at my blog, the OWOH one and a bonus giveaway. Feel free to enter both.

Anji Gallanos said...

I would love a chance to win. Please enter me.


Caitlin said...

Your contribution to OWOH is awesome! :)


Jona Panesa said...

your paintings are gorgeous!!! please enter me in your drawing!

Carol said...

Isn't this the most amazing experience? I've just found you via Papergail, so pleased I did. Another Australian making lovely art. Like you I'm struggling to answer my comments (I'm #65 on the list) and it will take me ages to visit my new followers. I'll be following you now. All the best from Central Coast NSW. Carol

Papergail said...

thanks for visiting my Aussie blog(885), I am working my way around blogland on my very slow magic carpet. I would love to win your prize and I have been meaning to touch base with you about your comment on my other post re embellishing my old books, I will contact you again soon, once this magic carpet ride is done.
Gail :-)

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