Monday, October 11, 2010

A spot of trivia...

Just for fun, I found these somewhere on the web...size comparisons between Australia, and the US and Europe.  I live in Western Australia, which is basically everything left of Denver, or everything left of the Welsh border!  WA has a population of a bit over 2 million, not a lot for such a vast space, but mostly we're clustered around the bottom left hand's the greenest bit of WA.  Now you know why postage costs are such a frustration!  Hmm, I think that map of Europe is RATHER outdated too.


  1. Those size comparisons are always fun.

    France is about 4/5ths the size of Texas. The population of Texas is 24.8 million. Most of our population is in the center (Dallas, Ft. Worth, Austin) and south east (Greater Houston). The part I live in is that square bit up at the top.

  2. My husband just informed me the Amazon Jungle is twice the size of Australia!!! Wow! No wonder they call it the 'lungs of the world'.

  3. My best friend (originally from Melbourne, Victoria, now lives in Idaho, USA) has a brother lives in Tom Price. A place no one west (or east for that matter) of Denver has ever heard of...except a few of us who know and love Aussies. TP is South of Broome and north of Camarvon about half way. I live in in another WA. WAshington State, USA, near Seattle. Most people here have no idea how big Australia is...great map to share!

  4. You are all a bit bigger than NZ! We live on such a little place, but perfectly formed!

  5. Blimey! That certainly gives a sense of scale!

  6. Interesting... and I'm glad to know the size of the Amazon Jungle... but, then I thought of how fast its being cut -not a pleasant thought!

    My word verification word is "wisen", a good one!
