So, what do you do to win this little OOAK hand-painted Olive Wood pendant? Well, I'm sure most of you know how these things usually work, it's all very simple. You need to be a follower, and leave a comment on THIS post. Hmm, let's see, shall we make it a bit more interesting? How about a 4 line poem (well, you can do more if you like, limericks are always fun) on the funniest (or weirdest) thing that happened to you this month? I'll allow for a certain amount of 'poetic license' so don't get too worried about it, just have fun. Don't forget to make sure I can contact you if you win. Then I'll pick a bunch that make me laugh the most and put them into the top hat and draw out a winner. Sound fair? So, you've got...ummm...how about till midnight on Sunday? That's midnight here, where the mermaid lives, which is GMT +8. But I'll warn you when the deadline is approaching. So, hop to it, off into your various garrets and summon up the poetic muse. And if you really MUST use a goose quill pen to get the creative juices flowing, go ahead!
Hmmmm, sounds fun. And a lovely pendant! I wonder if I'll get my act together to enter! I've been challenged even to answer comments on my blog for this past post. Life is humming. Congrats on your one year of being an inspiration. Its so amazing that I think of you as a friend - all the way over and under... or maybe I'm under, really.
Oh go on Valerianna, do have a go, it doesn't have to be a masterpiece ;-) ! Yes, it's a funny old thing, this cyber world...all these people I feel I know so well and have shared in their lives and they've shared in mine...and yet we've never met. He, he, rather than over or under, I think perhaps we're all just a little off centre...and that's just fine! :)
From one mermaid to another, Happy Blog-iversary!!! I know I don't comment too often, but I love your artwork!
My poem will be read underwater:
blub glub blub
glub blub glub
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to You!
I love your seeing your artwork.
Weird is a way of Life around here, so that's nothing odd or new.
Congratulations on your milestone!
Hmmm definitely need to think. My poetic skills leave much to be desired. But funny moments and embarrassingly funny moment are never ending occurances in my life. Why just yesterday I had my four year old daughter at swimming lessons, when she decided to announce in her most peircing voice that she 'needed to take a leak" . My mouth must of fallen to the floor. I think maybe she has a bit too much daddy time in the work shed. :-/
OK, I'll have a go....
There WAS a mountain range, I swear!
But when the clouds cleared it was not there...
Mysterious, blue-gray thing,
So beautiful, I was moved to sing.
Yay, congratulations on your 1st year blogiversary, and i'm so glad that you started for its a lovely place to stop by. A poem!!!
Well, i just cant resist, though i'm no good, but its great fun to do.
"There was a mermaid from the deep
who spun her magic fair
this blog here is her precious place
so perfect & so rare"
;-) x x ruthie
heres to the bestest of next years x
oh, forgot to say, i couldn't think of anything funny or wierd, but love limmericks, so just had to do it anyway x x x
a four line poem?
on something funny?
am i a poet?
or an Easter bunny?
Here we go rofl...
Oh! a pendant, how fancy that would be;
Especially if that pendant was for me;
Mermaid please I am begging of thee;
Give that Moontree, olivewood pendant to meee!!!!
HI! I just found you thru creative dreamer! My gosh woman your artwork is amazing! I'am now a follower and will add you to my blog roll. Please include me in your giveaway. Here is my poem i pulled out of my head just for you in about 2 seconds hope it will suffice. LOL!
I made a doodle
That came from my noodle
Along came a poodle
And ate the whole kit and caboodle!
Oh! Did it have to be true??? Hope not. Pretty boring life here. LOL! deb
Congratulations on making your first year,
If I were out west I'd buy you a beer.
No, I'm not much of a poet either. But I love reading your blog and watching your art take shape. Thanks for the privilege!
Had to enter to try for this prize,
To comment and ponder on how the time flies,
To send heartfelt wishes across the wide sea,
To you, Christina, with love from me x
Sadly I have no poem, but it is so beautiful I just had to comment! :)
I love to read poetry, I love to memorize poetry, but sadly poetry is not where my talent lies. I wish it was. I so enjoy looking at your wonderfully creative artwork and reading your well written poetry, you have such talent.
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