Saturday, December 4, 2010

Anniversary Jam...

No, it's not a bunch of old musos getting 'the band' together again!  Yesterday the Other Half and I celebrated 16 years of wedded bliss.  And what did we do together to celebrate?  Well, apart from the fact that both of us forgot entirely until I was writing the girls' lunch orders for school and had to fill in the date and I wondered for a moment why it seemed significant...and then remembered...we made jam.  No, it's not a metaphor for anything else, we did indeed make apricot jam.  Having run out of bottles for bottling (I'm sure I've got some more somewhere but can I find them?!), we decided to tackle jam-making.  Neither of us has made jam before, so whether it was beginner's luck, or we're just 'naturals' I can't say, but it turned out beautifully.  I may have to make some scones tomorrow to really appreciate it's perfectness, and that will of course require the good china and the nice white tablecloth (can't be half-hearted about Sunday afternoon tea)...mmmmm.

I think I might have posted this photo before, but what the heck, it's entirely appropriate (I am, after all, wearing Apricot coloured silk), and I like it.  My mum made this dress and embroidered the bodice, and I hand-painted and beaded over the top.  I also made my hairpiece, and jewellery and shhhhh, don't tell anyone, but it's actually made with plastic beads.  It's the 'practice' one...because I never had time to make the 'real one!  But it doesn't matter, it's still the best wedding I've ever been to.


Unknown said...

Wishing you many more happy years together! Ren x

Anonymous said...

And what a beautiful thing to do together on that special day.


WOL said...

What a handsome couple!
My Folks were married on November 16. Hope you celebrate your 64th anniversary like they just did.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I must say, your dress is very beautiful and made even more so that it was crafted by you and your mom. :)

Unknown said...
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Jess said...

That's such a lovely picture, you look beautiful. :) xx

Ruthie Redden said...

Congratulations to you both, i think thats a sweet way to celebrate, whenever you open up the jam u will remember your day. Christina, your wedding photo is beautiful, and i love that it was all made by you & your mom x here's to many more years filled with happiness x so glad to hear the job is going well too x x

KeLLy aNN said...

what a Beautiful couple!

Windsongs and Wordhoards said...

Fantastic wedding photo! You both look fantastic! Happy Anniversary and enjoy the jam!

fabriquefantastique said...

Adorable, sensitive post....

Medieval Muse said...

Many congratulations and happy years to come. I have to echo the words of others...what a lovely couple!!

nony mouse said...

i would have married him too! he is so damn hansome :)

Pussycats and Angels said...

Congratulations! You make a beautiful couple....
Jules x

Joel Le Blanc said...

Congratulations! Hope you both enjoy the jam :)

Julia Kelly said...

Well- lets see- the first anniversary is paper, I know the tenth is wood- so guess the sixteenth is "apricot jam!"

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