Friday, December 9, 2011

Some rough music (as opposed to 'rough magic') for Beauty, and a Beauty contest!

I know you've all seen this before, but there IS something new, honestly...I just wanted to keep all the bits together in one post.  I've been wanting to set 'Beauty Remembers' to music for a while, but I'm always better with a deadline (otherwise I can go on faffing about forever) and I wanted to record something in time for Jackie Morris' 'Contest of Beauty' (though her NEW blog can be found HERE).  I did a VERY rushed version this morning, while Beloved was dropping the girls off at school.  My window of opportunity was small, about 15 minutes before he was back and needing to get onto the computer (he is FLAT OUT with work at the moment!).  So this is me sitting slightly squashed in at the computer desk, reading the words off the computer as I sing into the dodgy little mic on it.  So there are more than likely a few 'ambient' sound effects in the mix, like cars, planes...Flynn going off at something (she's a strange dog, she prefers to bark at nothing!).  Warning, it is VERY rough...even scratchier than my previous attempts, but oh well, it's done...for now.  I will probably try and recored a better version sometime in the future, but of course, it won't sound quite the same, because it's not a 'song' as such, more me playing around and making it up as I go along, so difficult to repeat myself, and anyway, I would always want to 'improve'.  Hope you can hear through the dodgyness something that is actually not bad!

And the poem is HERE (though I have added, or rather added back in) a line for the painting and the song.

Note: Edited 25 October 2016, to add a Soundcloud link, because Divshare seems to have swallowed all my old recordings! :(


Valerianna said...

Wonderful Christina! Haunting and beautiful, just like the painting..... didn't sound rough at all to me.
I'm ready to head out to the forest in the moonlight to run a little in the snow and howl. Oh, dog bark just came in, seems appropriate, really!

Ms. said...

Ah, Christina--I see you running and hear you howl, and feel that love that"grows where it pleases
not in neatly ploughed rows."
I too "loved a wild thing and found my own wild soul." Your voice is wonderful (and that mic is not too bad at all! I would love to see this in performance, with a pack of wolf women coming in from all sides to sing along in a swelling chorus. Bravo brave wild one, vravo!!

Charlotte said...

It is truly lovely. I think the scratchy version is right. It gives an immediacy and depth.

Anonymous said...

you beauty!

Erzebet said...

That is wonderful! You have such an authentic voice. And I love that painting so much!

Ms. said...

I'm back to say I dreamed of that song early this morning--and to send yyou this gift--Wolf Song

Anonymous said...


grace said...


Jackie Morris said...

Have a look at my wordpress blog. Today's posting.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Christina!

A mermaid in the attic said...

Oh my goodness!!!

Maggie said...

The painting and the song are both uncommonly beautiful. Well done!

Windsongs and Wordhoards said...

I love this work - the words, the painting, and now the song more and more each time I take it in... each new direction you take it in adds a deeper dimension.... ooh, I wonder how an animation set to this music would be...!
You dog too in the background fits so well and adds to the atmoshpere!
I can see you performing this on stage with your painting as a backdrop too... it would be wonderful.
Congratulations on winning Jackie's Hare... I was hoping it would be you!

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