Tuesday, March 5, 2013

First painting for 2013...

I've been doing my usual trick, painting in my head instead of on paper or canvas.  It's fine for a while, tossing ideas around, mentally turning things around about to see how they look from different angles, or in different styles/media.  But ultimately there's no substitute for getting down to business and starting.  Because it's only then that the real magic starts, new ideas/directions appear, paths to take that you might never have discovered if you just kept going over the same ground in your head.  But still, I keep doing it and then find that actually starting gets harder and harder.  I have a little exhibition booked for late April, and though I have some work, I need to do more for it.  So I've been turning my brain in knots thinking about all manner of overly ambitious and complex possibilities, when there really isn't time for that, and what I really need to do it just get started on something, anything really, to start the year off and get back into the creative flow.  So today I stopped thinking and started doing.  This is the result.  Titania.  With gum (Eucalypt) leaves!  Acrylic, graphite and pencil on 20cm x 20cm canvas.  Though I don't think she's quite finished yet.  I might add a quote from the play down the side.

I recently saw another production of Midsummer Night's Dream that was rather lovely.  I've lost count of how many I've seen over the years, I think it's my favourite of Shakespeare's plays.  One of the most memorable was way back in 1990, Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson's Renaissance Theatre production in London.  Wonderful stuff!  So I think there will be a Puck (though of course, the Green Jack is another version of Puck), and possibly an Oberon too.

And for an excellent blog post on the need to stop thinking about painting, or writing, or whatever, and get on to doing, check out Terri Windling's latest blog post On Beginnings.


Nomi McLeod said...

This is great!
Midsummer Night is my favourite Shakespeare play too - and I have also lost count of how many times I've seen it! There's a version on in Bristol at the moment and you may just have decided me on getting tickets...

I once posed for a painting of Titania :) I was very pleased to be asked to model for it :)

And I really should stop dallying and actually start drawing some of the pictures in my head too :)

Unknown said...

Oh, this is just breath-takingly beautiful. I adore the her eyes, that gaze is so powerful and haunting! Her hair, the leaves. I think you've captured her well.

It's my favorite Shakespeare play, too.

Kathryn Dyche said...

Sometimes we definitley overthink things which makes it hard to get started. This piece is amazing, I love the movement in her hair and how you've incorporated the leaves. Truly beautiful.

Windsongs and Wordhoards said...

Wonderful! I love the nut-brown eyes that remind me of richly glossed conkers, and the leaves in her hair. I'd love to see your exhibition if only I wasn't on the other side of the world! Hope it goes well, would love to see some photos if you get the chance...
I read Terri's post too, she has the knack of writing exactly what I need to hear just when I need to hear it - brilliant!

Ms. said...

WOW--you are popping! Fabulous! Here's some links--hope they post right--I'll be watching all later now that you have reminded me :=)
Thumbnail8:00 Watch Later
Judi Dench A Midsummer Night's Dream Pt 2

by zone003•5 years ago•97,452 views

A semi-nude Judi Dench all in green as Titania Queen of the Fairies in a scene with a donkey
Film: A Midsummer Night's Dream (1968)

by domramalaja

•Judi Dench A Midsummer Night's Dream (1968)
•Judi Dench A Midsummer Night's Dream Pt 2
•Judi Dench A Midsummer Night's Dream Pt 3

view full playlist (4 videos)
Thumbnail2:23:00 Watch Later
Midsummer Night's Dream Nijinska Theilade Korngold Rheinhardt 1935

by jkircher314•9 months ago•16,533 views

William Dieterle Max Rheinhardt Nini Theilade Bronislava Nijinska Felix Mendelssohn Erich Korngold Cagney Rooney de Havilland ...

Ms. said...

Sorry about those last post LINKS--these will likely work better if you care to watch and can access You tube...
Judi Dench as Titania (part)

The full movie of 1935

Valerianna said...

Hi Christina... so good to hear from you! And I just love the painting - I hope you have time to paint a lot before your show. Though you have work, I always find it quite wonderful to make new work for a show.

Love Terri's post... just posted a little root and branch of this very thing on my blog. Maybe a feast in the making? Be well :)

Hindustanka said...

She is beautiful... magical and so natural :) Well done!!!

Anonymous said...

She is stunning. All the best with your show!

Sarah said...

Congratulations on the exhibition and on getting started again! The year is off to a grand swing.

Mo Crow said...

oh she's beautiful Christina !

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous - love it. Have a great day, Inge

Tammie Lee said...

this is absolutely gorgeous! i love your color palette!

Kim said...

Gorgeous,gorgeous,gorgeous. I love the colours. Midsummer Night's Dream is one of my favorites too.

Wendy said...

This is really nice! I also very much like your Oberon painting! I've gotta say, I empathize completely about the doing of activities purely in one's mind. My recent history, encapsulated right there!

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