Thursday, April 18, 2013

Exhibition madness #2...........

 So, I've just measured the trailer, and I'll be able to get all my large paintings into it...but absolutely NOTHING else!  Oh dear......

For those of you not from around here (Western Australia), Nannup is about 3 and a half hours drive south of Perth.  A beautiful place to have one's first ever solo exhibition, but it certainly presents some problems.  I'm staying down there for the week, and so are the girls, so that means packing for all three of us for a week, plus all the large paintings, small paintings, prints, cards, print/card display racks, price printouts and catalogues, business cards, postcards, folding table and tablecloth, food/wine for the opening, some things to keep myself amused while babysitting the exhibition (drawing and stitching, and Cordelia Guitar, of course), toolbox with everything I might possibly ever need for sticking, nailing, cutting, measuring, running repairs, screwing, taping, tyeing, glueing, fixing, and general unforeseen possibilities, because I can't just pop home if I forget something!  Phew!  And it just...isn'!

So, I have two options.  First, and preferable (fingers crossed!), is that my mum and dad, who are heading down for the exhibition too, will be able to fit some of the larger paintings in their campervan, thus freeing up space in the trailer for folding table, toolkit, kids (only joking!) and so on.  The second option...a panic dash to Nannup this weekend to take stuff down.  Hmmm...I really don't have time!  So, keep all your collective fingers (and toes too, I'm sure it will help!) crossed that the first option is a goer!

In the meantime, here are some pics of the lovely little Garage Gallery, that I took when I was down at Easter.  I'm so glad my old uni 'stage management' tendencies are still alive and well...I measured EVERYTHING when I was there and took lots of photos, so I think I know where everything will fit and how it will look!

Wish me luck!

Looking inside from the front.  I love those old doors!

View inside, with the lighted display cabinet.  I'm going to use it in the same way, just the top, to show my wood hangers and small decorative pieces.

And a couple of familiar faces there in the (extremely patient at the moment) Beloved, and my lovely Mother-in-law...who talked me into this!


Julia Kelly said...

What a cool space- take lots of pictures of your show- how exciting! It will all fit in your always seems to just fit.

Sarah said...

Nothing ever goes completely smoothly does it?! I hope it all works out in the end - I'm sure it will. Good luck with the exhibition, hope you have lots of sales and lots of fun!

Nomi McLeod said...

Looks great. You'll figure it out! :)
Can't wait to see pictures of it all installed...

A mermaid in the attic said...

Thanks ladies! Nomi, I can't wait either, I've never seen all my work up together in one place. It will be interesting to see how it all goes together (or not!).

Mo Crow said...

this is so exciting Christina!

Windsongs and Wordhoards said...

Wow, very best of luck Christina! A lovely space and I'm sure it will be well worth all the hard work! I would just love to come and see it if I could - I hope you'll show us lots of photos! How exciting! Fingers crossed for you...

Els said...

Lots of succes !!!
(looking forward to pictures of it all !)

Anonymous said...

You are going to have a fabulous show!
Beautiful venue for your gorgeous pieces.
Hanging paintings together in a space is always an exciting challenge. The dialogue between them is so important. (Almost like seating arrangements for a dinner party!) Wish I were close enough to see the show. Wishing you find good new homes for many of your works.

char said...

What a great space. Hope you show is a great success, your work is so great it can't miss. Have a great time!!

Joel Le Blanc said...

Good luck for the exhibition! Wish it was closer so I could pop in and have a look. :)

Hindustanka said...

This is a good beginning! Wishing you all the best and I'm sure your exhibition will be successful!

Beth Niquette said...

Wow! Congratulations!

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