Oh dear. Small five year old person with enormous eyes in downcast face looked at me on Monday morning as I wandered into the family room still half asleep. "Mummy...the tooth faery didn't come." OH DEAR! She showed me her tiny tooth, still sitting in the bottom of the special tooth/trinket box with the violets on top. Off the top of my head I made some excuse about Sunday having been such a lovely day there were probably lots of people out playing sport and lots of teeth being accidently knocked out, so perhaps the Tooth Faery just got a bit overwhelmed. And that I was SURE she'd be back on Monday night. So after the girls were off to school, Monday found the Tooth Faery squinting through her magnifying glasses trying to write a very tiny apology on a small leaf from the Crepe Myrtle in the backyard. As it turned out, the rather disorganised Tooth Faery then managed to forget AGAIN...until about 12.24am Tuesday morning. And then she couldn't find a $2 coin, so had to scrounge around for two $1 coins. Then she came up with the brilliant plan of scattering some glitter around too, just to make sure everyone understood it really and truly WAS the Tooth Faery...as the girls know how much I HATE glitter because it gets into everything and is impossible to clean up properly! But to cut a long story short, there was much excited shouting (though mostly from my eight year old) in the morning of "Mummy, come and see, come and SEEEEE!" and a much happier little person. So I had to go and get my glasses to read the message, and goodness, faeries' spelling is ATROCIOUS, but it turns out she got lost. By the way, I believe that's 'lerning' not 'lerking', although perhaps Tooth Faeries do 'lerk' (or rather, 'lurk')...how else do they know when a tooth has dropped out?

While we're on the subject of faeries...the new outfits are coming along slowly but surely. 'Slowly' partly because I have so many ideas in my head and I know I can't do them all, so I faff about trying to decide which one I should go with. But mostly because my sewing skills are rather BASIC and my ideas are not quite so basic, so there tends to be a discrepancy between the two that is filled with cursing and swearing and a lot of unpicking and re-sewing. But here's where I'm up to.
Still a bit more embroidery to be done on the front, a couple of spirally swirls. The headband is finished, with more lovely Autumn leaves, roses and ribbons. I have a red long sleeved top to go underneath.
Detail on the headband.
This is the 'Forest' Faery as of yesterday. Headband finished, but lots to do on the jerkin.
Detail on headband. Green leaves on this one.
Jerkin as of this morning. Not quite finished, but getting there. And managed to buy a green top cheap (in the 'boys' section of course, because all you can get in the 'girls' section is pink, black and lilac...aarggh!), but it was a skivvy and miss doesn't like skivvies, so the polo neck had to come off, and the cuffs as well. Now I need to find/make/dye some leggings to match!
Detail of front. My sewing skills, or perhaps more my pattern drafting skills, are pretty woeful and this isn't quite sitting right, but I'm trying to be very Zen about it...IT'S JUST A PLAY DRESS-UP!!!!
Lovely leaf message - spelling mistakes and all! And, I LOVE the forest faery outfit! No surprise, I guess, being a forest woman... and your sewing looks great to me, I have TWO hand-me-down sewing machines, one very good one, and I don;t know how to use either!
i forgot to play tooth fairy once, and the boy ended up getting a pair of rollerblades i was putting aside for xmas!
and i forgot twice, and the other boy said "Mom, there's no such thing as the Tooth Fairy is there?" (since he was 9, I decided to confess) then he said "The Easter Bunny's not real either, right? Good, cause he really creeped me out."
A lovely letter from the Tooth Fairy! When my eldest lost her first tooth she drew a tiny stamp sized picture of a butterfly to give to the Fairy with a little message - we shall have to see if she gets one back next time...
Again, as I've said before - I love your fairy costumes, you must have incredible patience with all the details! Nice work...
i love the tooth faeries story & note, im sure it was very worth the wait. i still have a precious collection of tiny notes my 3 left for those very same wee folk! and oh those costumes, how i miss having an excuse to sew such things ! x
Loving the tooth fairy story! How sweet of her! And I also really like what you're sewing up! You've been busy, eh?
What a wonderful, magical Mum you are! Your children will grow up with that magic forever ingrained upon their hearts.
LOVE the fairy outfits. I am much like you in that I can sew, but not nearly as well as my imagination thinks I should.
Hi there, I found your blog through a comment on Folk and Fairy and was intrigued by the name, so I decided to pop in and say hello! That is very cute about the Tooth Fairy, and I actually think the jerkin looks wonderful. I have no sewing skills at all so I am always impressed by other people's magic fingers! :D
Ohh, love your blog, I am your newest follower.
Really enjoyed your post, the jerkin is great, love the leaves :-)
Oh my, I think these are WONDERFUL! Fantastic outfits! You appear to be a better seamstress than you claim to be! :)
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