Sunday, January 23, 2011

A little Blues...

We headed off down south again last Friday to see my in-laws.  Dropped in to Bridgetown on the way, home of the Bridgetown Blues Festival, to see the talented Tracey Barnett play (her Myspace page is HERE, for more music!).  Lovely evening on the grass at the Cidery there, kids ran amok in the gardens and got covered in mud in the nearby creek, eldest got stung by a bee (NOT fun)...and youngest had a little chat with Tracey after the gig was over, and apparently told her "when my mummy grows up, she's going to be able to play the guitar as good as you!"

Tracey Barnett - Judgement Day

Tracey Barnett | Myspace Music Videos


DVArtist said... 1

Very nice. Thanks for sharing this great music.

WOL said... 2

What a fun outing you must have had (except for the bee sting- poor darling!). Your daughter's comment about what a great guitarist you'll be "when you grow up" got me to thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. . .

Jan said... 3

First you hear her luvly accent and them she jams hard and comes up with a good sound. Great share! Ta!

Jan said... 4

them (?!) she jams ... whatssup wid dat? I am literate, I think I yam?

ps my word is 'suble,' perhaps instead of subtle ... sigh.

Claire said... 5

how cute :)
the only way is to keep practising... *sigh*
terri's got some cool music videos this morning :)
and thanks for your comment this morning xx

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