Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So what did you do in the holidays?!

Phew!  Well, there was quite a lot of this.......

Giggling over mugs of Milo at The Mulberry Lane Cafe...why is it that 'tidying the cubby' means throwing everything onto the verandah?!

Getting your shoes and socks wet and hanging them up to dry.

Two lots of these...with slightly different cuff colours so there's no fighting over whose is whose.

Small messy children being silly in their new fingerless gloves.

Ahhh, a quiet dandelion coffee...a few of these...definitely a requirement for school holidays.

And a whole day of this..........
Heading up to Lancelin for a day of Quadbiking.  "Are we there yet?!"  (apologies for dodgy attempt at a panorama).

Hmmm, we might get wet.........

1 hours and 20 minutes later, "YES, we are there yet"...glimpse of the sea.

Dunes at the Lancelin Off-road area.


Beloved showing off.  He's wishing he'd brought his bike up.

The little people.

Big Sis is a seasoned pro.

Straight up that hill.

Little one getting her gear sorted.

Beloved other half.


First time for the little one.  Concentrating hard.

But she picked it up very quickly...and daddy had to turn the throttle speed right down to stop her taking off across the dune!  Oh, dear, my daughters are going to take after their father.  Why couldn't I marry a man whose hobby was stamp collecting?  That's love for you!

I married a man who loves motorcycles.  Who is PASSIONATE about them.  Who can pull them apart and put them back together again.  Who has owned at least 15 in the time we've been together.  I know nothing about them.  To me, a motor vehicle is a thing that takes you from point A to point B, and the ones I like are generally slow and cute...like old Combi Camper vans.  Ahh well, we have other things in common! ;-)

Anyway, all back at school today.  I did manage some more on the quilty thing during all this, so will post progress pics soon.


Judit Labòria said...

This post sheds love!! a lovely family .

KeLLy aNN said...

lol, what a fun looking day!

is that the kids playhouse?
That is so cool.

Carol Anne Strange said...

Lovely to read your blog. Looks like you had a fun holiday. :)

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