My 'Followers' box has disappeared again...and it's too hot! Well, the temperature on the Yahoo homepage says 35˚C (a little below the century in old money!), but it FEELS hotter. I've been baking so that probably hasn't helped. This really isn't the weather for Christmas style bake-ups. I have finished the second batch of panfortes, one more to go, maybe this evening when it's cooled down. Though at 10pm last night it was still hot and sticky outside. Progress pics...just poured the chocolaty, toffeey mixture into the dry ingredients. Then a strong arm is needed to actually stir it (husbands come in handy sometimes...he's also good at getting lids off pesky jars). Finally, some token stirring for luck from the little people. Note the pristine green t-shirt...shortly to be covered in chocolate after licking the mixing bowl clean. I'll post some pics of the finished product shortly.

But that may be the only 'finished product' I post pics of for a while, it's school holidays till February, and with two little people home to entertain, plus two weeks of swimming lessons, I don't know how much drawing I'll get done! And there may be some bedroom painting required soon, as the super-bedroom-makeover is moving along at a cracking pace. Beloved (I really need a better name!) insists he's starting the bed platform this week, but we'll see. But you can see how far it's come in the last couple of weeks! All that roof space that usually gets wasted, I don't understand why people don't make use of it.
I mentioned a little while ago that Flynn has decided that the old couch is now hers, since it has moved outside. So here she is, reclining, but with a just slightly guilty look on her face, as if she's not sure she's allowed to be there even now.

And finally, a couple of pics showing what the sky looked like a few days ago. When there's a cyclone up north, we sometimes get pink skies, rather freaky and weird, but it did soften the sun's bite for a while. Meanwhile our bore has gone on the blink, and my garden is looking rather like a desert. It's rather depressing because last year we grew tomatoes and cucumbers enough to supply the family without needing to buy any for two months, plus lettuces and the usual herbs...sigh!
Flynn, you have lovely ears.
Love Bryn x
And I like your's very swashbuckling! xx Flynn
your baking looks delicious, i just finished making mince pies, and they are eating them before i even got them out of the pans!! Your children are off for a long time, is that the equivelant of our summer hols? It does sound extra hot there. I hope you have a wonderful christmas and heres to a fab new year. blessings to you all x x
Hi Ruthie, yes, it's their Christmas/Summer holidays, so they're off for 7 weeks all up. We've already had attacks of the "I'm BORED mummy"...trouble with this weather is often they're cooped up inside because it's just too hot outside to play, and I have to slather them in sunscreen and just about glue their hats to their heads to keep them wearing them! Mmmm, I love mince pies, my mother-in-law makes lovely ones and there's usually a bit of a tussle over them! I must try making some next year. Hope you had a lovely Christmas, your photos looked dreamy!
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