Tuesday, October 24, 2017

And the golden eyes that see the wind...a shaggy dog story.

Just over a week ago, Beloved and I drove all the way up to the small town of York on a Saturday morning.  It's about five hours away, we left at 8am and got there about 1pm.  We went to meet this fellow, and to see if, just maybe, he might be the right 'person' (because, of course, dogs ARE people) to join our family.

It didn't take long to decide (and I suppose the thought of a ten hour round trip for nothing might have influenced us a little), and by 2pm he was in the back of our car, windows down, heading all the way back down to Denmark.

He came from Wheatbelt Rescue, and we were told that he was (apparently) a Staghound Staffy Cross, about 18 months old, and he had belonged to a family with young children and a small backyard, and they didn't expect him to get so big (told he was a 'Staffy Cross', but not what with, it seems!), and in the end they could not keep him.  His name was Rusty.

So, we have re-entered the world of 'dog-people'.  We decided that a new life/home/family deserved a new name, so now he is Fergus...and he has wriggled his big, hairy, gentle self deep into our hearts already, and we still cannot quite believe our luck in finding such a gentle, sweet natured, well-behaved (mostly!), house-trained, gorgeous hound.

He came to us unsterilised, so poor boy is now wearing the 'Cone of Shame' after a visit to the local vet, but he seems completely unfazed by it, the only problem is he forgets his head is now 3 times the size it was last week, and keeps running into furniture...and us.  But that will be gone next week, and I can't wait to take him out and introduce him to the world.  I'm willing to bet he's never seen the sea!

He matches the floor quite well!

With Daddy!

Squeezing in under my feet at the computer desk.

Mum, don't take my picture, it's humiliating wearing this thing!


Is this really my forever home...really...I can stay?!!


gz said... 1

A lovely "Long Dog"...I'd say he is a Staffy x Long haired Greyhound Lurcher.
Fergus is a good name..so long as he approves,of course!

Mo Crow said... 2

what a beautiful new friend!

Els said... 3

He looks lovely !
All the best and many long years of friendship !

sarah said... 4

How lovely! He has such a beautiful face. <3

Misty said... 5

Awwwww!!! How sweet!!!! What a lovely post and from the pictures I can tell he really is a gentle loving soul! <3

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