I haven't done anything BIG for some time...I think I'm percolating. In the meantime, I'm fulfilling creative urges by small experiments and odd little bits. I am trying to learn not to strive for perfection, rather to draw/paint/sew and just let it happen...after all, it can never be perfect. And if I'm afraid to set pen to paper for fear of it 'not working' or of ruining a good piece of paper or canvas, or of producing something that is rubbish or embarrassing, I'll never create anything. The gum leaves on the old diary page were an attempt to get beyond that...it's a scrap piece of paper so it can't possibly matter if I stuff it up. And oddly enough, I think they turned out rather nicely and I really like them. Sometimes not worrying about the outcome brings surprising and fruitful results. I need to try this more often.
oooh, i so get where you are coming from, i am my own worst enemy when it comes to "perfectionist", im way to hard on myself & have so many half finished pieces waiting because i don't want to go amy further in case i spoil them!! I am working at letting go and being free. .. its bloomin hard work though. Well done you on the slide show, its great, i shouldn't know where to start. have a fab rest of the week x ruthie
Yes, I so often try to 'get it right' in my head before I even start, and it's so limiting, so now I'm trying to start WITHOUT knowing where it's going and just have fun with the getting there. I know what you mean about the unfinished projects, I've got a few too. Every piece has many what I call WIIFIU stages (the 'what if I @#&* it up' stages!) and it's always so scary to keep going, especially if the last stage worked really well. Hmmm, I'm thinking of a particular piece right now!
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