So here I am, wandering a little lost in this strange new world. Will there be strange creatures offering me delicious temptations that I shouldn't touch (for fear of being trapped here forever)? Will I meet odd little old ladies, or men dressed in wolfskin telling me riddles or giving me advice that seems impossible to follow? Every new path has its dangers...and rewards. But if you never take the first step, how will you ever know?! As this is a new journey, I thought I would include this painting, one of my first as a 'professional' artist, though I have been drawing and painting most of my life. "I must not forget how to fly" was a reminder to myself at the time to follow my dreams and remember how I used to feel as a child, daydreaming about the future, about heading off on adventures to who knows where. I'm not sure where the girl in the boat is going, but she is on a quest, in her trusty ship the "Sir Parsifal", with her loyal dog by her side and a tame pelican (can you guess his name?) to scout ahead for whatever obstacles they might encounter. So welcome aboard my blog, and we shall hoist the sails and weigh the anchor and go see what's over the horizon.
What nice post! I love this picture, it makes me just want to look at it. Ur painting?
Thanks Nathary, yes, one of mine!
Dear Christina, i am soo glad you now have a blog, i can just tell it is going to be a most delicious place to visit. I so admire your wonderful work, you are an inspiration x happy blogging to you x ruthie
Ruthie, thank you SO much for the encouragement! And there I was thinking I'd have a few months at least to get it looking 'perfect' before anyone discovered it! I've been reading so many other beautiful blogs (like yours) and what attracted me was the lovely sense of community, so here I am diving in too. I'm looking forward to seeing where it might take me.
Beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more.
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