Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nannup #3: Minnie Marks

This is the marvelous Minnie Marks.  She won the Nannup Festival Emerging Artist Award.  It's not hard to see why.  She's 16 years old.  Now that is hard to believe!  Her Myspace page is HERE.  And you can see her HERE doing a 9 minute guitar marathon with Matt Zarb.

Maybe if I practice really hard, when I'm about 90 I'll be able to play this well.  If the arthritis doesn't get me first.


Beth Niquette said...

WOW That is Amazing! You're right, before I could play this well, I'd be in my 90's! lol Thank you for sharing this today.

Valerianna said...

Goodness.... 16! She's great!

Anonymous said...

She's fantastic. Great voice, and that playing!

Windsongs and Wordhoards said...

Just been catching up with all your youtube clips here, what a great music scene! Sounds like a brilliant festival... this girls good, wonder where she'll be in 5 years time... she deserves to go far!

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