Sunday, March 27, 2011

Visiting the UK...

"Primavera" for everyone welcoming Spring in the Northern Hemisphere (now if she could just hurry her chronically late sister Autumn along, that would be wonderful!)

...well I wish I was, but no.  However, my mum and dad are jetting off on Wednesday to spend 2 months travelling around Britain, so I will be spending the next few weeks wearing a peculiar shade of green, and living vicariously through my parents (mum, this means lots of letters, postcards and emails, with photos if at all possible, ok?!)  They have some accommodation booked (particularly around Easter) but didn't want to be too tied down to an itinerary set in I may be posting the odd request for accommodation (and eating, sightseeing etc) recommendations from my readers in the areas they are visiting.  They are basically doing a clockwise circuit starting from London, then heading west to Cornwall (with strict instructions to visit Chagford while they are in Devon), then north on up to Scotland and then back down the east side, but I'll post details if/when they need some ideas on places to stay.  So if you know of lovely, but reasonably priced Hostels/B&Bs, good places to eat and wonderful things to see, please let me know, it will be much appreciated...and I'll put them on my 'one day' wish list too!

Meanwhile, it looks like another week of temperatures in the high 30s...*sigh*...I am REALLY looking forward to wearing socks and boots, and jumpers and scarves, and gloves and hats, and going stamping in puddles....ROLL ON AUTUMN...PLEASE!!!

"Blackwoodwife" because I'm feeling nostalgic about the Autumn school holidays my family used to spend camping by the beautiful Blackwood River when I was a child, and the stories my mum told my brother and I about the Blackwood faeries (I really should finish this one!)


Valerianna said...

Hi Christina! I must admit when I read the post title I thought to myself, ooo, maybe I can run over there, too for a quick visit and meet Christina at Tintagel for a walk and some tea! But, alas, its on my "one day" list and you're not going either! Maybe our "one day" dates will coincide and we can bring tea to the top of one of those magical hills in Devon we see so much of!

I love the flowing hair, yes, do finish her! I just opened an Etsy shop and am I'm having fun adding folks to my favorites. Actually, I need to get outside to haul in more wood... Grandmother Winter has come back with a very cold breath and some snow. I'll make sure to tell her to speak to Sister Autumn and send her down under!

OK, off to bundle up and stock the woodbin...

Anonymous said...

Your "Blackwoodwife" is gorgeous. Wishing your parents a wonderful trip! One which you will make one of these days. (And which will be all the sweeter for the wait.)

Windsongs and Wordhoards said...

I love the paintings! Especially the little seedling in Primavera's hand and the green patterns of leaf shoots... and your Blackwoodwife is wonderfully intense and dynamic, both really well depicted as forces of nature...
Well, I wish you cool fresh breezes and reviving Autumn showers on their way, I can't imagine living in such unrelenting heat, I would wilt for sure!
Hope your parents enjoy their trip, perhaps you'll make it yourself one day not too far away!

Anonymous said...

I'm rather jealous of your parents. 2 months traveling the UK? Only my dream vacation! I hope they have a wonderful time. Good for them!

Spring is coming at last, and I'm ready to kick off my boots and hang up my coat.

And your paintings are very beautiful, especially The Blackwoood Wife.

Claire Dean said...

I hope your parents have a wonderful trip! Spring really is here in the UK and she's beautiful (as are your paintings!). I hope Autumn arrives for you very soon x

abby jenkins said...

A two month tour? Sounds more than perfect, we are always rushing here and about on our four day jaunts, so much so that I need a vacation to rest up when I get home.

I love your Blackwood painting, the colors are fabulous!

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